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New Delhi; World Health Organization. Regional Office for South-East Asia; 2023.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-376329
Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2019. (WHO/EURO:2019-3484-43243-60628).
em Russo | WHO IRIS | ID: who-346136


Европейское региональное бюро ВОЗ выступило в 2012 г. с инициативой «Хорошие лаборатории – крепкое здоровье» (BLBH), которая соответствует принципам Мапутской декларации об укреплении лабораторных систем и Европейской политики в интересах здоровья и благополучия Здоровье-2020. BLBH представляет собой межсекторальный подход, направленный на повышение качества лабораторных услуг. Он является основой усилий ВОЗ по оказанию помощи государствам-членам в выполнении их обязательств в рамках реализации основного потенциала ММСП. Инициатива BLBH исходит из того, что устойчивые лабораторные услуги требуют рационального подхода к укреплению лабораторной системы. Важнейшим компонентом эффективной лабораторной системы является всеобъемлющий обзор лабораторных расходов и фактической стоимости проведения исследований. BLBH выступает за четкую организацию лабораторных систем на всех уровнях внутри страны. Это включает в себя разработку четких требований к анализам и методам, выполняемым на каждом уровне, и к сопутствующим расходам. BLBH представила инструмент для оценки стоимости лабораторных анализов, который поможет в разработке бюджетов лабораторий, окажет поддержку учреждениям в отношении прогнозирования расходов, связанных с лабораторными услугами, а также облегчит составление прейскуранта для лабораторных исследований.

Apoio ao Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos , Manual de Laboratório , Regulamento Sanitário Internacional , Equipamentos e Provisões , Controle de Qualidade , Manual de Referência , Pessoal de Saúde
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2019. (WHO/EURO:2019-3484-43243-60604).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-346135


In alignment with Maputo Declaration on Strengthening of Laboratory Systems and the Health 2020 European Policy for health and well-being, the WHO Regional Office for Europe launched the Better Labs for Better Health initiative in 2012. This initiative is an intersectoral approach aimed to improve the quality of laboratory services and it is a principal part of WHO’s efforts to assist Member States to accomplish their commitment under the International Health Regulations core capacity implementation. Better Labs for Better Health builds on the premise that sustainable laboratory services require a rational approach to laboratory system strengthening. A crucial component of an efficient laboratory system is having a comprehensive overview on laboratory expenditures and actual cost of tests. Better Labs for Better Health advocates for clear organization of laboratory systems at all levels within a country. This includes the development of clear terms of references, tests and methods to be performed at each level, as well as clarity of the accompanying costs. The laboratory test costing tool was therefore developed to help laboratories evaluate the cost of a test, justify this cost and assist in producing pricelists for laboratory tests.

Apoio ao Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos , Manual de Laboratório , Regulamento Sanitário Internacional , Equipamentos e Provisões , Controle de Qualidade , Manual de Referência , Pessoal de Saúde
Geneva; Organización Mundial de la Salud; 2016.
em Espanhol | WHO IRIS | ID: who-252631
Windhoek; Ministry of Health and Social Servicess - Republic of Namibia; 2015.
Monografia em Inglês | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1277988
Genève; Organisation mondiale de la Santé; 2014.
em Francês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-164472
Ginebra; Organización Mundial de la Salud; 2014.
em Espanhol | WHO IRIS | ID: who-164468
S. Afr. j. infect. dis. (Online) ; 28(3): 143-157, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1270723


"Data validity is a very important aspect of cancer registries in ensuring data quality for research and interventions. This study focused on evaluating the repeatability of manual coding of cancer reports in the South African National Cancer Registry (NCR). This cross-sectional study used the Delphi technique to classify 48 generic tumour sites into sites that would be most likely (""difficult"") and least likely (""not difficult"") to give rise to discordant results among coders. Reports received from the Charlotte Maxeke Academic Hospital were manually recoded by five coders (2 301 reports; e.g. approximately 400 reports each) for intracoder agreement; and by four coders (400 reports) for inter-coder agreement. Unweighted kappa statistics were calculated and interpreted using Byrts' criteria. After four rounds of the Delphi technique; consensus was reached on the classification of 91.7 (44/48) of the sites. The remaining four sites were classified according to modal expert opinion. The overall kappa was higher for intra-coder agreement (0.92) than for inter-coder agreement (0.89). ""Not difficult"" tumour sites reflected better agreement than ""difficult"" tumour sites. Ten sites (skin other; basal cell carcinoma of the skin; connective tissue; other specified; lung; colorectal; prostate; oesophagus; naso-oropharynx and primary site unknown) were among the top 80 misclassified sites. The repeatability of manual coding at the NCR was rated as ""good"" according to Byrts' criteria. Misclassified sites should be prioritised for coder training and the strengthening of the quality assurance system."

Classificação Internacional de Doenças , Manual de Laboratório , Neoplasias , Sistema de Registros , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes
Geneva; World Health Organization; 2010.
em Inglês, Português | WHO IRIS | ID: who-44208
Recurso na Internet em Espanhol | LIS - Localizador de Informação em Saúde, LIS-ES-PROF | ID: lis-42365


Manual cuyo objetivo es hacer recomendaciones sobre cuáles son las muestras más adecuadas para el diagnóstico microbiológico, su forma de recogida, transporte y conservación, reseñando el material necesario, la técnica de obtención, el volumen, el número y el modo de transporte de cada una de ellas, según las distintas localizaciones y características especiales de aquéllas o de los microorganismos a investigar. Incluye: urocultivo, coprocultivo, parásitos intestinales, tracto genital femenino, tracto genital masculino, hemocultivos, catéteres, sistema ocular, tracto respiratorio superior, tracto respiratorio inferior, líquidos orgánicos, piel y tejidos blandos, micosis cutáneas, serología infecciosa, microbiología molecular infecciosa.

Microbiologia , Manual de Laboratório , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico
Recurso na Internet em Português | LIS - Localizador de Informação em Saúde | ID: lis-16984


Esta publicação da Secretaria de Assistência à Saúde do Ministério da Saúde é um manual que subsidia os gestores do Sistema Único de Saúde na implantação de serviços laboratoriais e na organização de redes de referência para exames de patologia clínica, apresentando diretrizes gerais para a estruturação e funcionamento das atividades laboratoriais.

Saúde Pública , Sistema Único de Saúde , Serviços Laboratoriais de Saúde Pública , Manual de Laboratório , Bibliotecas Digitais
Cochabamba; MAELA;AGRUCO; marzo 2002. 117 p. ilus.
Monografia em Espanhol | LIBOCS, LIBOSP | ID: biblio-1333649